Oliver De la Rosa Martel

Oliver De la Rosa Martel

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3Pillar Global


3Pillar Global builds breakthrough software products that power digital businesses. 3Pillar is an innovative product development partner whose solutions drive rapid revenue, market share, and customer growth for industry leaders in Software and SaaS, Media and Publishing and Information Services. Leveraging a lean and agile approach, 3Pillar delivers value-generating, digital solutions with specialized product strategy and management, user experience design, as well as software and data engineering expertise across mobile, cloud, and disruptive technologies. For more information on the company and our services, please visit https://www.3pillarglobal.com. For current job openings in North America, APAC, LATAM and EMEA, please visit https://www.3pillarglobal.com/career-opportunities/

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Professional Background of Oliver De la Rosa Martel

- Driving product strategy and execution to achieve customer satisfaction and exceed sales targets.

Work Experience of Oliver De la Rosa Martel

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