Olivia Cole

Olivia Cole

Olivia Cole is a highly experienced professional with 23.2 years of work experience in advertising, marketing, brand management, integrated marketing, and leadership. Based in Dallas, Texas, she has led successful brands towards real and measurable impact through her work. Olivia has led companies towards unlocking, unwinding, and rediscovering insights that revitalized their brand through advertising, content, and culture. She is currently working to build brand partnerships and strategies that create national expansion opportunities for the Cafe Momentum model and position Momentum Advisory Collective as a key voice in national, state, and local discussions on changing the system. .Read More
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Momentum Advisory Collective


Momentum Advisory is a 501(c)3 organization that partners with community leaders across the United States to launch and manage innovative restaurant and culinary training programs. These programs provide life skills training, education, and employment opportunities to transform the lives of youth exiting juvenile detention facilities. We got our start with Café Momentum, a nonprofit restaurant and culinary training facility in Dallas, Texas, that has successfully reduced recidivism and increased employability with its programs.

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Professional Background of Olivia Cole

- Overseeing operational processes, optimizing resources, and driving cost savings to enhance profitability.

- Driving strategic initiatives to enhance customer satisfaction and deliver impactful growth for the organization.

- Guided brand owners in implementing successful brand strategies, driving increased sales and customer satisfaction.

- Streamlined operations and drove revenue growth through effective risk management and strategic decision-making.

- Establishing a highly skilled and professional client service team across multiple platforms, driving customer satisfaction and retention.

- Transformed company's strategy to drive increased profitability and brand visibility.

Skills of Olivia Cole

Work Experience of Olivia Cole

Education Experience of Olivia Cole

The University of Texas at Austin

The University of Texas at Austin

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Personal Interests of Olivia Cole
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Public Presence of Olivia Cole
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Data Breaches of Olivia Cole
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