Oluwatomilola Ayinde

Oluwatomilola Ayinde

Oluwatomilola Ayinde is a Client Service Officer at Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers Limited in Nigeria. With 9.7 years of work experience, she possesses a wide range of skills including Microsoft Office, teamwork, time management, and customer service. She has previously worked as an Executive Assistant in the Health Care & Medical department at Stanbic IBTC in Lagos. Additionally, she has interned in other departments. Oluwatomilola Ayinde is a dedicated professional with a strong background in the financial services industry. .Read More
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Stanbic IBTC


We’ve built a legacy of financial excellence. Let’s help you build yours. #GoForIt Please visit www.stanbicibtc.com for more information on all our services. We are on Twitter as @StanbicIBTC and on Facebook www.facebook.com/stanbicibtc. We are easily accessible at over 200 locations nationwide. Stanbic IBTC Bank is licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria.

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Professional Background of Oluwatomilola Ayinde

- Streamlined administrative processes, improving efficiency and productivity for the executive team.

- Implemented effective HR strategies for enhanced organizational performance through implementation of effective HR initiatives and financial resources.

Skills of Oluwatomilola Ayinde

Work Experience of Oluwatomilola Ayinde

Education Experience of Oluwatomilola Ayinde

Bowen University Iwo

Bowen University Iwo

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