Omar Iqbal

Omar Iqbal

Omar Iqbal is a highly skilled professional with 7.5 years of work experience. He holds a BA (Hons accelerated) degree in business management and is proficient in time management, resilience, adaptability, and attention to detail. Currently, he is employed as an account opener at TSB Bank in Kirkcaldy, Scotland. Omar has a strong analytical background and has worked as part of a team and takes on responsibility and ownership of his work. .Read More
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Professional Background of Omar Iqbal

- Implementing effective team management practices to enhance productivity and foster a collaborative work environment.

- Maximized customer engagement through effective communication and tailored account placement strategies.

- Implementing proactive financial strategies for reducing risk and minimizing financial risks.

Work Experience of Omar Iqbal

Education Experience of Omar Iqbal

Abertay University

Abertay University

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