Onkie Cheng

Onkie Cheng

Onkie Cheng is a highly experienced professional with 17.9 years of work experience in marketing and strategy. She has a strong background in digital marketing, social media marketing, and brand development. Onkie has worked in various industries, including Willing Property, Mont Blanc, Magenta, Louis Vuitton, Nine Four Shop, and The Retail Space. She has held positions such as Chief Customer Experience Officer at Osana, Brand + Marketing Consultant/Director at Locally Crafted, Head of Brand & Marketing at Whipper Snapper Distillery, and Supervisor at Louis Vuitton. Onkie is based in Perth, Western Australia. .Read More
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OSANA IS A NEW TYPE OF HEALTH CARE IN AUSTRALIA Osana is a new model of primary health care with a mission to help patients live healthier lives and reduce unnecessary hospital admissions. It is built and operated by GPs, and funded from Medicare, patient membership, social investment from private sector and hospital payers. We’re redesigning healthcare based on what patients and their families need, not what current reimbursement models pay for. Our goal as a value-based primary care provider is to be funded based on population health outcomes, rather than activity. The focus is on proactive, preventative, longitudinal healthcare, rather than reactive, episodic healthcare. Contact 13WELL (139355) | [email protected]

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Professional Background of Onkie Cheng

- Developed comprehensive brand and marketing strategies to enhance customer engagement and drive brand recognition.

- Efficiently managed team projects, ensuring seamless operations and timely delivery of results.

- Delivered comprehensive brand marketing strategies, driving increased brand awareness and customer engagement.

- Implemented innovative solutions to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

- Driving product innovation through strategic planning and implementation of evidence-based marketing campaigns.

Skills of Onkie Cheng

Work Experience of Onkie Cheng

Education Experience of Onkie Cheng

RMIT University

RMIT University

Curtin University

Curtin University

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