Oscar Meza Vera

Oscar Meza Vera

Oscar Vera is a professional with 12.4 years of work experience. He is based in Chile and has worked in various roles throughout his career. From 2012-10-01, he worked at H. Briones Comercial S.A. as an Asistente De Bodega on the Operations department. Prior to that, he worked as a Repartidor and an Administrativo. He also has experience as a Ta Cnico Superior En Loga Stica Operativa. .Read More
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Current Workspace of Oscar Meza Vera

Lapiz Lopez


Lapiz Lopez has more than 100 stores in Chile and 7 stores in Peru selling a wide range of different products for offices and consumers.

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Professional Background of Oscar Meza Vera

- Optimized warehouse operations, increasing efficiency and reducing costs for seamless coordination and seamless operations.

- Streamlined logistical operations, optimizing efficiency and enhancing productivity for improved supply chain operations.

Work Experience of Oscar Meza Vera

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