Oskar Spets

Oskar Spets

Oskar Spets is a highly experienced professional with 13.6 years of work experience. He has a strong background in project management, Microsoft Office, leadership, and project planning. Based in Stockholm, Sweden, Oskar has held various leadership positions at Mineteam AB, including Chairman and Styrelseordfa Rarande and Head of Investments. He also served as the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of MASSIVET. With a focus on mining and financial services, Oskar has made significant contributions to the industry throughout his career. .Read More
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Mineteam AB


Mineteam är ett entreprenadföretag som är verksamma inom gruvindustrin i främst Malmfälten men också med uppdrag i Finland. Vi utför montage och servicearbeten ovan och underjord men kan även tillhandahålla andra tjänster. Vår verksamhet och vårt kontor finns i Gällivare. Kontakta oss gärna för mer information.

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Professional Background of Oskar Spets

- Achieved a record-breaking financial performance through strategic planning and effective leadership.

- Optimized underground loading and transportation processes, ensuring efficient performance and minimized downtime.

- Pioneered new business strategies and cultivated a high-performing team to propel business growth and enhance overall organizational performance.

- Implementing strategic investment plans to drive sustainable growth and maximize operational efficiency.

- Developing and implementing strategies to enhance the organization's position as a leader in the industry.

- Transformed the company's reputation through continuous innovation and strategic thinking.

- Maximized investment returns by implementing strategic investment strategies and cultivating strong relationships with clients.

Skills of Oskar Spets

Work Experience of Oskar Spets

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