Osman Abdisalan

Osman Abdisalan

Osman Abdisalan is a highly dedicated individual with 5.9 years of work experience. Based in the United States, he is known for his ability to speak in three languages and his ability to travel around the world. Osman has traveled extensively and has a strong interest in embracing diversity. He has worked as a Help Desk Technician at Atomic Data and as a Security Officer at Per Mar Security Services. Osman's diverse background and ability to adapt make him a valuable asset in any team. .Read More
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Current Workspace of Osman Abdisalan

Atomic Data


Atomic Data (www.atomicdata.com) is an on-demand, always-on, pay-as-you-go expert extension of the enterprise’s IT team and infrastructure, always acting in the client’s and the community’s best interest. Atomic Data – SAFE. SIMPLE. SMART.

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Professional Background of Osman Abdisalan

- Provided exceptional technical assistance, resolving issues efficiently and ensuring customer satisfaction.

- Implementing comprehensive security protocols to safeguard assets and minimize potential threats.

Work Experience of Osman Abdisalan

Education Experience of Osman Abdisalan

Leap High School

Leap High School

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