Otis Flieth

Otis Flieth

Otis Flieth is a highly experienced professional with 31.9 years of work experience in sales management, account management, and new business development. Currently, he serves as the Senior Vice President of Client Engagement at ECRS (ECR Software Corporation) in the United States. With a strong background in strategic planning and team building, Otis has successfully led sales teams and implemented effective marketing strategies. He has also held various positions at DUNN & DUNN DATA SYSTEMS, INC., where he served as a Sales Executive and VP of Sales. Otis is based in the United States. .Read More
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ECRS (ECR Software Corporation)


Successful retailing is a careful balance of both art and science. ECRS automates the complex science of retail enabling our customers to focus on the art which is what catapults them above competitors and to long-term success. Our comprehensive retail automation solution suite is proven to drive maximum ROI and is backed by award-winning customer training and support. With a 20+ year solid foundation of product success, we take our science seriously with one of the largest, most talented computer science teams in the industry. Our computer science team is balanced with retail analysts and project managers with real-world experience. We also listen to our customers and work with industry partners through extensive trade events, free user conferences, online feedback forms, and simple open communication. Every suggestion a customer brings to our attention is taken seriously and has resulted in some of our most powerful features. From front-store systems including point-of-sale and self-checkout, to comprehensive back office, warehouse, inventory and extensive supply chain automation, ECRS products solve your most challenging loss points with innovative technology designed to truly automate so you can focus on customers and merchandising; the art of running your business.

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Professional Background of Otis Flieth

- Increased sales revenue by implementing streamlined sales processes and implementing effective strategies.

- Driving customer satisfaction and loyalty through proactive and efficient strategies.

- Elevated sales strategies, resulting in record-breaking revenue and a highly competitive market.

- Driving revenue growth through effective customer communication and strategic sales initiatives.

- Delivered exceeding sales targets, driving revenue growth and expanding market share.

Skills of Otis Flieth

Work Experience of Otis Flieth

Education Experience of Otis Flieth

Indian River State College

Indian River State College

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