Paul Usher

Paul Usher

Paul Usher is a highly experienced healthcare professional with 34.9 years of work experience. He has a strong background in healthcare management, hospitals, and healthcare information technology. Currently, he serves as the President/CEO at Marion General Hospital, Inc. in the United States. With a focus on general management, Paul has been instrumental in the success of the hospital since 1988. His expertise in healthcare information technology and his leadership have made him a valuable asset to the organization. .Read More
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Marion Health


For over 100 years, Marion Health has been the trusted healthcare provider for Grant County and the surrounding areas. We are a not-for-profit healthcare organization offering advanced medical services that are not often found in rural areas. With state-of-the art facilities, a skilled and compassionate staff, and award-winning healthcare programs, we are your ideal close-to-home resource for superior medical care. Marion Health is a tax-exempt healthcare system that operates under the auspices of a 15-member Board of Directors. With a qualified and professional hospital and auxiliary staff of more than 1,100, Marion Health is teamed with more than 90 physicians from multiple specialties to meet the needs of our healthcare community. Marion Health was recently named one of the Top 100 Rural & Community Hospitals in the United States by The Chartis Center for Rural Health. The Top 100 Rural & Community Hospitals play a key role in providing a safety net to communities across America. The award recognizes the top performers that excel in: Managing risk, achieving higher quality, securing better outcomes, increasing patient satisfaction, and operating at a lower cost than our peers.

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Professional Background of Paul Usher

- Driving strategic initiatives to propel company operations and achieve international recognition.

- Overseeing strategic initiatives and driving international growth, resulting in unprecedented brand recognition and market expansion.

- Driving strategic initiatives and delivering exceptional governance strategies to maximize profitability and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

- Driving company growth through strategic partnerships and successful implementation of patient care programs.

Skills of Paul Usher

Work Experience of Paul Usher

Education Experience of Paul Usher

Ball State University

Ball State University

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