Qtls Jackie Cobham Mifl

Qtls Jackie Cobham Mifl

Qtls Jackie Cobham Mifl is a highly experienced teacher and educator with 29.1 years of work experience. She has a diverse skill set that includes teaching adults, staff development, stakeholder engagement, and youth engagement. Qtls has worked in various industries such as the public sector, entertainment providers, and theatre production. She is currently a Teacher/Education Officer at London Fire Brigade and is a freelance assessor. Qtls is based in London, United Kingdom. .Read More
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London Fire Brigade


London Fire Brigade is the busiest fire and rescue service in the country. What's more, we are one of the largest firefighting and rescue organisations in the world protecting people and property from fire within the 1587 square kilometers of Greater London. We are the only UK fire service where all operational staff are full-time. Other brigades use a combination of full and part-time staff and retained firefighters who carry out firefighting duties in addition to their usual employment. To provide a round-the-clock service, we operate a two shift, four-watch system at stations – red, white, blue and green. Control staff take emergency 999 calls, find out details of incidents, send fire engines and deploy our resources to emergencies. They also use a six-watch system but have a different rank structure. It's not just firefighters who help make London a safer city. We have a range of non-uniformed and non-operational staff who work behind the scenes to support our front-line services, including IT, Finance, Procurement and Community Safety officers.

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Professional Background of Qtls Jackie Cobham Mifl

- Covering influential art stories and compelling stories that captivate and inspire audiences worldwide.

- Inspiring and displaying vibrant designs to elevate the visual landscape.

- Creating captivating visual content that captivates audiences and resonates with target audiences.

- Developed and implemented effective programs to enhance student life and foster a more engaging educational environment.

- Enhancing students' skills and knowledge through dynamic instruction and strategic teaching techniques.

Skills of Qtls Jackie Cobham Mifl

Work Experience of Qtls Jackie Cobham Mifl

Education Experience of Qtls Jackie Cobham Mifl

Westminster Kingsway College

Westminster Kingsway College

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Personal Interests of Qtls Jackie Cobham Mifl
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Public Presence of Qtls Jackie Cobham Mifl
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Gallery of Qtls Jackie Cobham Mifl
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