Quaticya Johnson

Quaticya Johnson

Quaticya Johnson is a Sales Associate at Lane Bryant with 10.8 years of work experience. She has worked at CitySquare in Dallas, Texas, in various roles including Case Manager, Social Work Intern, Sales Associate, and Technical Support. She also has experience as a Sales Associate at AT&T in Dallas, Texas. Quaticya has a strong background in the retail industry and has worked with a wide range of customers, including individuals, small businesses, and large corporations. She is based in Chattanooga, Tennessee. .Read More
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Current Workspace of Quaticya Johnson



CitySquare fights the causes and effects of poverty through service, advocacy and friendship. We are focused on providing food, health and housing resources for neighbors in Dallas, Texas.

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Professional Background of Quaticya Johnson

- Providing exceptional technical support to ensure seamless operations and client satisfaction.

- Conducted extensive research on positive impact of social impact in various communities globally.

- Providing compassionate support to individuals in need, empowering them to overcome challenges and establish trust.

- Achieved record-breaking sales targets, driving revenue growth and building strong client relationships.

- Achieved and recognized exceptional achievements, contributing to the success of every team.

Work Experience of Quaticya Johnson

Education Experience of Quaticya Johnson

UT Arlington - College of Liberal Arts

UT Arlington - College of Liberal Arts

Texas Woman's University

Texas Woman's University

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