Quinton Smith

Quinton Smith

Quinton Smith is a Senior QA Lead at Thrive Impact Sourcing in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has extensive experience in the IT Services and Consulting industry. Quinton has worked in both the Other and Business Development departments at Thrive Impact Sourcing, which was founded in 2016 and has a small team of 2-10 staff members. With his expertise in QA and business development, Quinton plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and efficiency of the company's IT services and consulting services. .Read More
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Thrive Impact Sourcing


Thrive Impact Sourcing was acquired by Ingage Partners. You can learn about our Thrive Accelerator at ingagepartners.com

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Professional Background of Quinton Smith

- Successfully implemented a comprehensive quality assurance program, improving product quality and customer satisfaction.

- Implemented robust quality assurance processes to ensure consistent product quality and exceed customer expectations.

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