Qurtajah Redding

Qurtajah Redding

Qurtajah Redding is a highly experienced professional with 5.9 years of work experience. She has worked in various roles, including Investigative Support Specialist II at the Texas Department of Public Safety and Background Screening Analyst at Eckerd Connects. Qurtajah also has experience as a Fulfillment Specialist at Bealls, Inc. and as a Fulfillment Specialist at a reputable company. She has a strong background in government administration, government administration, and healthcare. Qurtajah is based in the United States. .Read More
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Texas Department of Public Safety


Mission: Protect and Serve Texas Vision Proactively protect the citizens of Texas in an ever changing threat environment while always remaining faithful to the U.S. And State Constitution. Core Values: ● Integrity: We demonstrate through our actions honesty, fairness and respect for others in our professional and personal lives ● Excellence: We strive to be outstanding in everything we do and we never settle for less ● Accountability: We seek and accept responsibility for our actions, performance and results ● Teamwork: We work closely with other agencies to achieve common objectives Motto: Courtesy, Service, Protection Goals: ● Combat Crime and Terrorism ● Enhance Highway and Public Safety ● Enhance Statewide Emergency Management ● Enhance Public Safety Licensing and Regulatory Services

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Professional Background of Qurtajah Redding

- Implementing comprehensive background screening processes to enhance visual quality and ensure compliance with regulations.

- Streamlined and optimized thefilling process, resulting in increased efficiency and increased customer satisfaction.

- Enhanced employee training programs through effective investigative support strategies.

- Providing comprehensive support and guidance, fostering collaborative and resourceful investigations for a more reputable investigation environment.

- Provided seamless and accurate background screenings, minimizing high-profile instances of potential risks and security breaches.

- Successfully processed and processed complex complex accounts payable to company and clientele.

Work Experience of Qurtajah Redding

Education Experience of Qurtajah Redding

Fayetteville State University

Fayetteville State University

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