Ray Solis

Ray Solis

Ray Solis is an experienced Real Estate Agent with 23.5 years of work experience in the real estate industry. He is skilled in nonprofit organizations, membership systems, data center, fundraising, and raker's edge. Ray has worked at PA Coffee Co. as the Owner of General Management, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach, Realtors as a Real Estate Agent, Philadelphia Zoo as a Development Operations Manager, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art as a Data Center Manager. He holds a BS in Business Administration from Houghton College. Ray Solis is based in the United States. .Read More
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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach, Realtors


Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach, REALTORS® is part of HomeServices of America, the nation’s largest provider of total home services and largest residential brokerage company in the U.S. In sales volume, according to the 2021 REAL Trends 500 report. The company has been awarded “Real Estate Agency Brand of the Year” and “Highest Ranked in Trust and/Love” in the 32nd annual Harris Poll EquiTrend® Study. With over 5,500 sales professionals in more than 75 sales offices across the Tri-State area, the company was recently acknowledged as #1, for the sixth year in a row, in the entire national Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Network. Through its affiliate, the Trident Group, the company provides one-stop shopping and facilitated services to its clients including mortgage financing, and title, property and casualty insurance. The company-sponsored charitable foundation, Fox & Roach/Trident Charities, is committed to addressing the needs of children and families in stressful life circumstances and has contributed over $7.2 million to more than 250 local organizations since its inception in 1995. Visit our Website at www.foxroach.com

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Professional Background of Ray Solis

- Implemented innovative visitor services strategies, driving increased visitor experiences and providing excellent service to all visitors.

- Streamlined operations and increased productivity through strategic planning and implementation of data-driven solutions.

- Delivered exceptional real estate deals, positioning the company as a leader in the real estate industry.

- Implementing agile methodologies to drive operational excellence and maximize productivity and drive business growth.

- Optimized data center operations, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs while maintaining high standard of service.

- Streamlined visitor experience through efficient processes and improved customer satisfaction.

- Achieving record-breaking sales growth by leveraging strategic partnerships and driving business growth.

- Successfully expanded the property portfolio, resulting in streamlined operations and increased sales revenue.

Skills of Ray Solis

Work Experience of Ray Solis

Education Experience of Ray Solis

Houghton College

Houghton College

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