Richard Kouri

Richard Kouri

Richard Kouri is a highly experienced professional with 12.2 years of work experience. He possesses a wide range of skills including public speaking, community outreach, and public policy. With a strong background in grassroots organizing and nonprofits, Richard has expertise in policy analysis and policy analysis. He has worked as the Executive Director of the Texas State Teachers Association, where he focused on general management. Richard is based in the United States and has a proven track record in program development, volunteer management, and fundraising. .Read More
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TSTA Mission and Vision Statement MISSION STATEMENT The Texas State Teachers Association will unite, organize and empower public education advocates to shape public education in Texas thus providing a quality public school for every child. VISION STATEMENT In order to shape public education in Texas, the Texas State Teachers Association (TSTA) will: Be receptive and responsive to the diverse needs of the membership, embracing differences; Be results-oriented, achieving outcomes that have a clear impact on members; Focus on systemic change, rather than on individual change; and Generate sufficient resources to expand association programs and services to meet all organizational needs. TSTA will maintain an internal culture that values: Open, honest and respectful communication; Organizational and individual change based on data, assessment and evaluation; and Shared accountability, collaboration and teamwork among all stakeholders – members, leaders, management and staff. Further, TSTA must Focus its resources on organizing; and Recruit and visibly organize within locals that show potential and commitment.

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