Robert Anneshensley

Robert Anneshensley

Robert Anneshensley is an experienced professional with 8.9 years of work experience. He is currently based in Ocala, Florida, in the United States. Robert has worked as an Assistant Manager in the Research & Analytics department at SONIC Drive-In in Atlanta, Georgia. Prior to that, he served as a Front Desk Representative at Hotel Development & Management Group, LLC in Silver Springs, Florida. Robert also has experience as an Owner in the General Management department. .Read More
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SONIC Drive-In


SONIC®, America’s Drive-In®, is part of the Inspire Brands family of restaurants. Inspire is a multi-brand restaurant company whose portfolio includes more than 8,300 Arby’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, and SONIC locations worldwide.

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Professional Background of Robert Anneshensley

- Optimized warehouse operations, increasing efficiency and reducing operational costs.

- Providing exceptional guest experiences, bringing comfort and professionalism to their needs.

- Achieved record-breaking sales, surpassing all revenue goals through strategic marketing initiatives.

Work Experience of Robert Anneshensley

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