Rochelle Moncourtois

Rochelle Moncourtois

Rochelle Moncourtois is a fitness coach and personal trainer and author based in Los Angeles, California. She has extensive experience working at Aaptiv (by PEAR Health Labs) in Solana Beach, California. Aaptiv (by PEAR Health Labs) is a wellness and fitness services company founded in 2015 with a team of 11-50 staff members. Rochelle's expertise lies in the health care and medical department, where she provides personalized fitness coaching and personal training. .Read More
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Aaptiv is a personalized fitness solution that helps users of all levels take action on their wellness goals. With customized plans, on-demand workouts and access to an extensive gym network, Aaptiv offers individuals, employees and Medicare beneficiaries the tools to make fitness an enduring habit. Aaptiv's AI-curated workouts take “how” out of the equation, allowing users to get started with a routine built for their unique goals and preferences. Founded in 2016 and acquired by PEAR Health Labs, Inc. In 2021, Aaptiv has over 13 million downloads and more than 50,000 five-star reviews. If you are searching for a group of people who challenge and inspire you, search no more, our team can change your life. Ready to take the next step in your career journey? We look forward to connecting with you. Careers at PEAR:

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Professional Background of Rochelle Moncourtois

- Guided individuals in their fitness journey, elevating their physical and mental well-being through personalized coaching and personalized support programs

Work Experience of Rochelle Moncourtois

Education Experience of Rochelle Moncourtois

Thousand Oaks High School

Thousand Oaks High School

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