Rolf Hetterschijt

Rolf Hetterschijt

Rolf Hetterschijt is a Senior HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environment and Quality) manager with 28.8 years of experience. He has a proven track record in process safety, security, and quality improvement management in the petrochemical industry, energy sector, manufacturing, public transport, and dry and liquid bulk terminals and waste processing. Rolf has successfully applied environmental permits and safety permits for the petrochemical industry and waste processing sector. He is skilled in auditing, environmental consulting, accident investigation, and risk analysis. Rolf has also been involved in influencing European safety and national environmental legislation through membership of stakeholder bodies. .Read More
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PreZero Nederland


Zoveel mogelijk recycling en zo min mogelijk verspilling. Bij PreZero zamelen we afval gescheiden in, sorteren en bewerken het tot grondstoffen waar we nieuwe producten mee maken. Zo werken we aan zero waste: gesloten kringlopen zonder verspilling van grondstoffen. En dat is hard nodig als we onze aarde nog lang willen blijven gebruiken. We zijn dé aanjagers van innovatie in onze branche en zetten grote stappen op weg naar een circulaire economie.

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Professional Background of Rolf Hetterschijt

- Driving organizational success through effective communication and streamlined processes.

- Implementing comprehensive health and safety protocols to mitigate workplace accidents and promote a culture of safe and healthy environments.

- Implemented comprehensive HSE permits and licenses program, optimizing efficiency and ensuring compliance with industry standards.

- Implementing comprehensive safety initiatives to minimize workplace accidents and promote a culture of employee well-being.

- Successfully implemented strategies and strategies to drive organizational growth and increase operational efficiency.

- Implementing comprehensive policies to mitigate environmental impact and ensure compliance with safety regulations.

- Ensuring a culture of safety and promoting a culture of well-being throughout the team.

- Implementing sustainable practices and reducing carbon footprint through coordinated environmental management initiatives.

- Successfully executed multiple innovative research and development projects, drive innovation and resulting in breakthrough discoveries.

Skills of Rolf Hetterschijt

Work Experience of Rolf Hetterschijt

Education Experience of Rolf Hetterschijt

Utrecht University

Utrecht University

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