Ryan Cho

Ryan Cho

Ryan Cho is a Project Manager at SKIO Music in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He has extensive experience in the General Management department. SKIO Music, founded in 2014, is an entertainment provider with a team of 11-50 staff members. Ryan Cho's expertise lies in managing projects and ensuring their successful completion. .Read More
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SKIO Music


SKIO is the largest and most engaged music competition platform in the world. Years 1-3 focused on legal tech and licensing. Years 4-7 focused on building the community and the competition platform into world class levels. Years 8- present focus on building out subscription model. This continues to be major focus for the company. Year 9- present, adding e-commerce store powered by the producer community. Www.skiomusic.com

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Professional Background of Ryan Cho

- Successfully presented complex projects on time and within budget, exceeding client expectations.

Work Experience of Ryan Cho

Education Experience of Ryan Cho

Simon Fraser University

Simon Fraser University

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