S.Basavaraj Shankarachar

S.Basavaraj Shankarachar

S.Basavaraj Shankarachar is a legal consultant and lawyer based in India. He currently works at S.Brown & Associates, Inc. in the United States, where he specializes in law. With extensive experience in the legal department, S.Basavaraj Shankarachar is a valuable asset to the company. S.Brown & Associates, Inc. is a well-established firm in the insurance and financial services industry, founded in 2012. With a team of 2-10 staff members, S.Brown & Associates, Inc. focuses on providing top-notch legal services. .Read More
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S.Brown & Associates,Inc.


Point of Sale Insurance for Auto Dealerships

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Professional Background of S.Basavaraj Shankarachar

- Assisted clients in their legal projects, ensuring compliance and maximizing their legal compliance.

- Inspiring and guiding clients to achieve their legal goals through practical solutions and practical solutions.

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