Sandra Cid

Sandra Cid

Sandra Cid is an experienced Manager/Product Owner with 24 years of work experience in the telecommunications industry. She has a strong background in Service Delivery, Business Process, Service-Level Agreements (SLA), ITIL, and IT Service Management. Sandra has worked at KPN in Rotterdam, Netherlands, in various roles such as Product Owner, Theme Owner, and Product Owner. She also has experience as a Competence Manager at Kpn Ict Consulting and as a Senior Intercedente at Randstad. Sandra's expertise and extensive work history make her a valuable asset in the telecommunications industry. .Read More
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Welkom bij de LinkedIn pagina van KPN. Sinds jaar en dag maakt KPN technologie toegankelijk. Hier leest u alles over de ontwikkelingen rondom de thema’s die KPN belangrijk vindt, zoals Het Nieuwe Leven & Werken, Veiligheid & Privacy en ICT-infrastructuur. Ook een transparante en betrouwbare dienstverlener zijn, efficiency in de zorg en duurzaam ondernemen staan bij ons hoog in het vaandel. Op onze pagina blijft u op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws rondom onze activiteiten, de thema’s in uw leven waarin technologie een rol speelt en onze producten en services op het gebied van ICT. Ontdek samen met ons voor u en uw organisatie de beste oplossingen.

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Professional Background of Sandra Cid

- Inspired and launched a new product line, expanding market share and increasing revenue.

- Executing strategic marketing campaigns to increase brand awareness and drive customer engagement.

- Led successful product launches and executed industry trends, driving business growth and increasing audience engagement.

- Implementing effective training programs to enhance employee development and maximize team performance.

- Driving exceptional leadership strategies to deliver exceptional performance and achieve excellence in organizational performance.

- Developing an open source SAP application to address customer needs and enhance business efficiency.

Work Experience of Sandra Cid

Education Experience of Sandra Cid

Hanzehogeschool Groningen / Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen

Hanzehogeschool Groningen / Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen

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