Santiago Trujillo Londoño

Santiago Trujillo Londoño

Santiago Trujillo Londono is an experienced engineer with over 11 years of expertise in Marketing, Trade Marketing, and Sales in the Consumer and Service sectors. He has a strong understanding of brand strategy and market development, achieving profitability and sales targets. Santiago is skilled in building strong relationships with customers and ensuring the success of brands. He has a proven track record of implementing innovative marketing strategies, focusing on alternative channels and ensuring the profitability of alternative channels. Santiago is also actively involved in promoting and guiding teams to achieve sustainable results. .Read More
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Compañía de Galletas Noel S.A.S.


Somos una Compañía innovadora, vigente y sostenible, líder de la categoría de galletas en Colombia, que desde 1916, trabaja con el Corazón para crear momentos especiales y productos deliciosos que aportan nutrición, bienestar y placer a nuestros consumidores. Entregamos lo mejor de nosotros para mantener nuestro liderazgo y contribuir, con la Pasión que nos caracteriza, al crecimiento, desarrollo y sostenibilidad de nuestro Negocio, nuestros Colaboradores, nuestra sociedad y país. Hacemos parte del Negocio Galletas de Grupo Nutresa, una de los grupos empresariales más grandes de América Latina y de los más importantes de Colombia que agrupa 8 negocios del sector de alimentos en los segmentos de Galletas, Cárnicos, Chocolates, Cafés, Tresmontes Lucchetti, Alimentos al Consumidor, Helados y Pastas. El Negocio Galletas es líder en Colombia y Centroamérica, cuenta con plantas de producción en Colombia, Costa Rica y Estados Unidos, además de sus propios molinos de trigo. Las empresas del Negocio de Galletas son: - Compañía de Galletas Noel S.A.S. (Colombia) - Compañía de Galletas Pozuelo DCR S.A. (Costa Rica) - AbiMar Foods (Estados Unidos) - Molinos Santa Marta S.A.S. (Colombia) - Naturela (Colombia)

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Professional Background of Santiago Trujillo Londoño

- Exceeded sales targets consistently, driving revenue growth and expanding the sales force.

- Boosted brand awareness and fostered collaboration, driving brand awareness and customer acquisition.

- Increasing sales revenue by developing personalized marketing strategies and implementing effective sales strategies.

- Expanding product offerings through strategic planning and execution.

- Enhancing brand awareness and reputation through strategic trade marketing campaigns and client relationship management.

- Developed and implemented effective strategies to enhance travel experiences and promote cultural identity for global tourism.

- Implementing effective marketing strategies to establish a solid brand presence and drive audience engagement.

- Expanding the product range by implementing market opportunities and fostering a culture of excellence.

- Developed and implemented marketing strategies to elevate brand awareness and drive customer engagement.

- Creating and managing successful brand campaigns, delivering exceptional food products and consistent revenue growth for the brand.

- Revolutionizing the global trade marketing strategy, transforming the company's brand into a global leader.

- Developed and executed strategic marketing campaigns to increase brand visibility and drive sales growth.

Skills of Santiago Trujillo Londoño

Work Experience of Santiago Trujillo Londoño

Education Experience of Santiago Trujillo Londoño

Universidad de La Sabana

Universidad de La Sabana

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Personal Interests of Santiago Trujillo Londoño
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