Saradindu Paul

Saradindu Paul

Saradindu Paul is a seasoned IT professional with 35.3 years of experience in various roles. He has expertise in ERP, business intelligence, team management, vendor management, and project management. Based in India, Saradindu has worked in both domestic and international sectors, demonstrating his ability to drive innovation and success in the industry. He has held positions such as Vice President and Group Chief Information Officer at Electrosteel Group, General Manager at Ambuja Cements Limited, and Manager - Business Applications at Nuvoco Vistas Corp. Ltd. Saradindu's extensive experience and skills make him a valuable asset in the field of IT. .Read More
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Current Workspace of Saradindu Paul

Electrosteel Group


We started off as a steel castings unit in 1951, migrated to manufacturing cast iron spun pipes in the 60s, and then pioneered Ductile Iron Pipe making (in South Asia) in the early 90s. We are a true Indian multinational, with subsidiaries and a robust supply chain network in 90+ countries across five continents. This includes North America, the European Union, Singapore, Hong Kong and GCC countries

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Professional Background of Saradindu Paul

- Streamlined business applications to increase efficiency and optimize resource allocation.

- Driving the success of the IT infrastructure, creating cutting-edge solutions and optimizing operational efficiency.

- Improving operational efficiency by implementing streamlined processes and enhancing team collaboration.

- Implemented cutting-edge technology strategies to drive efficiency, productivity, and cost savings.

- Improving organizational efficiency and accuracy through strategic decision-making and data analysis.

Skills of Saradindu Paul

Work Experience of Saradindu Paul

Education Experience of Saradindu Paul

Calcutta University, Kolkata

Calcutta University, Kolkata

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