Sergey Ponomarenko

Sergey Ponomarenko

Sergey Ponomarenko is a highly experienced professional with 24.8 years of work experience in web development, e-commerce, social media, leadership, HTML, online marketing, SEO, MySQL, PHP, sales management, strategic planning, and IT recruitment. Based in Ukraine, he currently serves as the Director of Prodazham at With a strong background in sales management and strategic planning, Sergey has worked for Lantec in various roles, including Manager of Sales and key clients manager, showcasing his expertise in the field. .Read More
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A Complete Outsourced Estate Management Service We are very proud to provide exceptional service to our customers. At Lantec we provide outsourced estate management services for corporate companies in the manufacturing, banking & retail sector. With a variety of services, from Field Service Engineers equipped to follow your scripts and specifications, to project managing the IT requirements and delivery of total technical roll-out programmes and complete warehouse solutions. We deliver our range of services via our specialist centre in the London Luton area, our skilled and experienced field engineers who are located throughout the UK, Ireland and Poland. We have IT covered Tailored to help meet your business objectives, our range of services can be individually designed and structured to create your ideal outsourcing solution.

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Professional Background of Sergey Ponomarenko

- Driving successful sales campaigns through strategic planning and effective team management.

- Increasing client satisfaction and profitability by implementing strategic marketing campaigns and fostering strong partnerships with key clients.

Skills of Sergey Ponomarenko

Work Experience of Sergey Ponomarenko

Education Experience of Sergey Ponomarenko

Armavir State Pedgogical Academy

Armavir State Pedgogical Academy

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