Shon Colquitt

Shon Colquitt

Shon Colquitt is a highly experienced professional with 10.9 years of work experience in various industries. He possesses a wide range of skills including banking, credit, customer service, loans, and financial analysis. Currently based in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Shon oversees all day-to-day operations, teller sales, and management. He is also skilled in single control cash management, federal compliance, and top-tier customer service. Shon's goal is to coach his clients in the financial sector and educate them in the field. .Read More
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Bank of the West


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Professional Background of Shon Colquitt

- Implementing effective service strategies to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

- Implementing effective store management strategies and fostering a culture of enhancing the profitability of the customer department.

- Establishing a successful business as a leader in the industry.

Skills of Shon Colquitt

Work Experience of Shon Colquitt

Education Experience of Shon Colquitt

Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University

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