Sweta Jain

Sweta Jain

Sweta Jain is an experienced professional with a background in customer service and IT. She has worked at Axis Bank in Mumbai, Maharashtra, where she served as a Relationship Manager in the Customer Service department. Prior to that, she worked at Citi India in Mumbai, where she held the position of IT- Business Analyst and Product Owner in the Banking domain. With a focus on banking and financial services, Sweta has gained valuable expertise in credit intermediation, credit intermediation, and finance. .Read More
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Citi India


Citi began operations in India over a century ago in 1902 in Kolkata and today is a significant foreign investor in the Indian financial market with an employee strength of 21,000+ employees. As promoter-shareholder, Citi has played a leading role in establishing important market intermediaries such as depositories, credit bureau, clearing and payment institutions. Citi helped lay the foundation of the Indian software industry by establishing Citicorp Overseas Software Ltd. And Iflex Solutions Ltd.; it pioneered the ITES industry in financial services through Citigroup Global Services Ltd. (CGSL). Oracle acquired Iflex in 2005 and CGSL was acquired by Tata Consultancy Services in 2008. Citi India added two more green certified buildings to its office premises in 2012, and in 2013 moved its headquarters to The First International Financial Centre (FIFC), a world-class environmentally friendly building. In addition, Citi India, through its network of Citi Service Centres, has been a leading offshoring unit for Citigroup globally, providing employment opportunities in the areas of technology, processing, analytics and financial processes.

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Professional Background of Sweta Jain

- Achieved consistent sales targets, establishing strong relationships with employers and increasing revenue.

- Implementing advanced analytics and weighing digital concepts to optimize business operations and drive data-driven decision making.

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