TAMER MABROUK is an experienced professional with 23.8 years of work experience. He is based in Egypt and has worked at the National Telecommunication Corporation in Pakistan as the Chairman of the Ntc on Other department since January 1, 2000. The National Telecommunication Corporation, founded on January 1, 1996, is a telecommunications company with 1001-5000 employees, specializing in telecommunications, information, and cultural products. .Read More
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National Telecommunication Corporation


The new era of telecommunication in Pakistan has brought several challenges with it, despite of the advantages it has made visible for the consumers. The most important being the challenge to keep intact the security requirements of the Government of Pakistan and to protect the new players in this field from the conventional practices of the incumbent operators to protect their market share. To overcome these challenges GoP established National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) in January 1996 under the Telecom Reorganization Act 1996 Future Thoughts ------------------------ Being aware of the new technologies, demand for new services and converged network NTC is in the process of upgrading and expanding its network. Migration from conventional TDM network to IP based Next Generation Network has been planned and being implemented. The 622 Mbps optical fiber backbone not able to meet the requirement of bandwidth hungry applications is being upgraded to 10 Gbps DWDM based technology. To improve the efficiency ERP solution has been planned and under process of implementation. To gain access to NTC users efforts are being made for frequency allocation and as a stop gap arrangement virtual WLL connections are being provided to NTC subscribers. To provide value added service from its own platform NTC is planning its own IN platform. Very soon NTC subscribers will be hearing NTC operators for customer relations, call booking and complaints through its state-of-the-art call center

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Professional Background of TAMER MABROUK

- Transformed Connecticut into a global industry leader through strategic planning and effective decision-making.

- Created a reputation for customer engagement and grew revenue through innovative and high-quality marketing strategies.

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