Tamat Banseng
Pta Fc@ Shell
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Tamat Banseng is an experienced professional who has worked at Shell in London, England. She holds the position of Pta Fc in the Other department. Shell is a global company with over 10,001 employees, specializing in the oil and gas industry. Their products range from crude oil to natural gas, petrochemicals, and fuels. Shell serves a wide range of customers, including individual consumers, transportation, manufacturing, and more. Tamat Banseng's expertise lies in the oil and gas sector, making her a valuable asset in the industry.
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+44 800237****
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York Road, London, England, SE1 7NA, GB

Oil and Gas

+44 8002378645

Tamat Banseng's Professional Milestones

  • Pta Fc: Implementing strategic initiatives to optimize financial performance and drive sustainable growth.