Taylor Croizat

Taylor Croizat

Taylor Croizat is an Executive Assistant with 10.9 years of experience in the banking industry. She has a broad knowledge of various financial departments and excels in communication and interactions. Taylor is comfortable with banking procedures, processes, and software. She is dependable, determined, inquisitive, and proficient in collaboration and problem-solving. Taylor has worked at The Bank of Tampa in various roles, including Executive Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer and Accounting Senior Specialist. She also has experience as a Senior Banking Representative and a Financial Analyst. .Read More
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The Bank of Tampa


The Bank of Tampa is the largest community bank in the Tampa Bay area. It has been privately held by its employees, directors and clients since the banks inception in 1984. The Bank of Tampa has 12 offices in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Sarasota and Pasco counties and assets totaling more than $3.3 billion. We invite you to join us and experience what personalized banking can do to help foster your own growth and success. To learn more, visit www.thebankoftampa.com Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender

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Professional Background of Taylor Croizat

- Mastering the latest financial reporting techniques, ensuring accurate and timely accounting transactions.

- Conducted thorough analysis of mortgage claims to ensure comprehensive coverage and ensure adherence to regulations.

- Developed a comprehensive financial plan to optimize growth and maximize profitability for the company.

- Successfully implemented new customer loyalty programs, increasing customer loyalty levels.

- Streamlined administrative processes, optimizing efficiency and providing high-quality support to the financial department.

- Streamlined accounting processes, increasing accuracy and efficiency in reporting and analysis.

Skills of Taylor Croizat

Work Experience of Taylor Croizat

Education Experience of Taylor Croizat

Hillsborough Community College

Hillsborough Community College

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