Taylor Tempel

Taylor Tempel

Taylor Tempel is a highly experienced professional with 13.7 years of work experience. Based in the United States, Taylor possesses a diverse skill set including sales, sports, sponsorship, leadership, and athletics. With a strong work ethic and a passion for building lasting relationships, Taylor is dedicated to delivering exceptional results. Throughout their career, Taylor has worked in various roles, including as a Realtor, Account Executive, Corporate Account Executive, and Account Executive. They have also gained valuable experience in the real estate industry, working for companies such as The Boutique Real Estate, Qualia, CrowdStrike, BigCommerce, Evident.io, and GEICO. .Read More
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Belfry is building modern software for the security guard services industry - helping companies scale their businesses by simplifying & automating workforce management.

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Professional Background of Taylor Tempel

- Achieved record-breaking sales targets, driving revenue and expanding client base.

- Exceeded sales targets consistently, driving revenue and building a strong customer base.

- Creating customized sponsorship plans to enhance brand visibility and attract a wider audience.

- Achieved record-breaking sales growth through strategic relationship management and effective relationship-building expertise.

- Achieved record-breaking sales targets, exceeding customer expectations and building high-performing relationships.

- Establishing strong strategic partnerships and establishing strong relationships with key clients, driving revenue growth.

- Achieved record-breaking sales targets, driving revenue growth and building strong relationships with key clients.

- Negotiating and securing multiple high-value properties, exceeding client expectations and fostering successful transactions.

- Successfully established strong relationships with key clients, driving increased sales and revenue growth.

Skills of Taylor Tempel

Work Experience of Taylor Tempel

Education Experience of Taylor Tempel

California State University, Fresno

California State University, Fresno

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