Terry Dalton

Terry Dalton

I first started working in the behavioral health field when I was assigned to a medical dispensary in Aschaffenburg, Germany during my three year stint with the U.S. Army. This experience was near the end of the Vietnam war and many of the soldiers returning from Vietnam were experiencing substance abuse problems and what we now know was Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD). Upon discharge from the Army I began working in a rural Wisconsin community mental health center on a substance abuse outreach team. In the mid 1970's I entered into the area of administration and for the past 45 years I've served in an executive type position in behavioral health. For the past 29 years I served as the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Executive Officer at Community Support Services. Community Support Services is a recovery focused psychiatric rehabilitation organization dedicated to serving individuals with severe and persistent mental illnesses and providing a wide array of services. I encourage any reader to access our website: www.cssbh.org to review the comprehensive array of mental health and physical health services that we provide.Specialties: non-profit behavioral healthcare service delivery in rural and urban setting. Teaching business and behavioral health classes at the university level .Read More
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The University of Akron


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Professional Background of Terry Dalton

- Facilitated engaging and effective teaching methods, fostering a dynamic and engaged learning environment for students.

- Developed and implemented scalable code, optimizing quality and efficiency in every manufacturing process.

- Established strategic alliances and achieved maximum shareholder value, driving success and fostering a culture of excellence.

- Driving operational excellence by developing and implementing effective strategies and strategies for cost-saving strategies.

- Established strategic alliances and achieved maximum shareholder value, driving success and fostering a culture of excellence.

- Collaborated with renowned scholars and students to inspire a love for lifelong learning and their educational lives.

- Creating a strong and inclusive community through strategic initiatives and exceptional service.

- Implementing strategic initiatives to drive organizational efficiency and profitability.

- Transforming the position and establishing the company as an industry leader to drive company growth.

Work Experience of Terry Dalton

Education Experience of Terry Dalton

University of Wisconsin-Platteville

University of Wisconsin-Platteville

The University of Akron

The University of Akron

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