Thierry Delcroix

Thierry Delcroix

Thierry Delcroix is a highly experienced professional with 21.8 years of work experience in Product and Project Management, Technical Consultancy, Software Product Development, and Production within the Digital Payment, EMV Smart Card, and Telecommunications industries. He has a proven track record in start-up processes, methodologies, and building new products and services. Thierry has worked at Mastercard in the United States as a Business Leader and Product Leader, and at Giesecke+Devrient in Germany as a Telecom Project Manager. He is based in London, United Kingdom. .Read More
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Thales Digital Identity and Security


Thales Digital Identity & Security is a global leader in digital security, bringing trust to an increasingly connected world. We design and deliver a wide range of products, software and services based on two core technologies: digital identification and data protection. Our technology is at the heart of modern life, from payment to enterprise security and the internet of things. It enables our clients to deliver secure digital services for billions of individuals and things. We are part of the Thales group, a €19bn international organization with more than 80,000 employees in 68 countries worldwide

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Professional Background of Thierry Delcroix

- Successfully managed and delivered complex telecom projects on time and within budget.

- Streamlined software development processes, resulting in improved efficiency and streamlined software development processes.

- Developing cutting-edge smart card infrastructure to optimize performance and enhance customer satisfaction.

- Elevating the company's sales metrics, resulting in increased revenue and stronger market participation.

- Driving product innovation and delivering innovative solutions to meet customer needs and exceed strategic objectives.

- Transformed the digital payment platform, empowering users to download and print on time and within budget.

Skills of Thierry Delcroix

Work Experience of Thierry Delcroix

Education Experience of Thierry Delcroix

Institut supérieur d'électronique et du numérique

Institut supérieur d'électronique et du numérique

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