Thomas Snapp

Thomas Snapp

Thomas Snapp is a highly experienced professional with 29.6 years of work experience. He is based in the United States and has worked at Ferguson Construction in Sidney, Ohio as the SR. Vice President in the General Management department since April 1, 1994. Ferguson Construction, founded in 1920, is a construction company with 201-500 employees. Thomas Snapp's expertise lies in the field of construction. .Read More
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Ferguson Construction


When Ferguson Construction began in Sidney in 1920, the family business took personal pride in each and every project. Through the years, we have maintained the simple philosophy of always exceeding customer expectations. This commitment has served us well, as we’ve experienced steady growth, now operating four regional offices to serve our clients in Ohio and Indiana. At Ferguson, we believe in crafting spaces that enrich lives, enhance workplaces and celebrate communities. We pride ourselves on delivering transparency from concept to completion and continuously finding better ways to build greater efficiency, certainty, and value into every commercial construction project. This dedication to our clients, our communities, and our teammates has enabled us to transform the construction process for all. Everything we do is built for you.

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Professional Background of Thomas Snapp

- Transformed the company's operations, resulting in increased productivity and profitability.

Work Experience of Thomas Snapp

Education Experience of Thomas Snapp

Wright State University

Wright State University

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