Todd Bassett

Todd Bassett

Todd Bassett is a Senior Vice President of Sales at Ace Energy Solutions with 7 years of work experience. He has worked in various roles, including Manager at Energy Service Company and Sales Manager at Ace Energy Solutions. He also has experience as a Sr Sales Rep at Key Energy Services and as a Sales Manager at GE Energy. Todd has a strong background in the oil and gas industry and has worked with companies such as Energy Service Company, Key Energy Services, and GE Energy. He is based in the United States. .Read More
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Professional Background of Todd Bassett

- Achieved record-breaking sales numbers, surpassing targets and driving revenue growth.

- Expanding market reach and securing major partnerships for company growth.

- Increasing operational efficiency through strategic planning and implementation of cost-effective measures.

- Strengthened sales team to achieve record-breaking revenue targets.

Work Experience of Todd Bassett

Education Experience of Todd Bassett

Stephen F. Austin State University

Stephen F. Austin State University

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