Troy Vickers

Troy Vickers

Troy Vickers is a skilled construction professional with 12.4 years of experience. He specializes in carpentry, finish carpentry, and masonry. Based in the United States, Troy has worked at Tradesmen International as a Journeyman Carpenter and also as the owner of Troy's construction services LLC. With a strong work ethic and dedication to his craft, Troy is dedicated to making a positive impact in his field. .Read More
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Tradesmen International


Founded in 1992, Tradesmen International is North America’s premier resource for proven skilled craftsmen and labor consulting services. We are proud of our thousands of craft professionals, covering all trades, who serve the industry’s leading contractors while emphasizing Safety, Productivity and Craftsmanship. The Company has over 150 Recruitment & Operations Facilities across the continent supported by our Field Office Support Team and National Recruiting Center based out of our Cleveland, Ohio, Headquarters. Tradesmen International serves commercial, residential, heavy industrial and energy sector construction firms as well as the shipbuilding industry. We provide custom staffing solutions that enable contractors and industrial businesses to mitigate skilled labor shortage challenges and maximize workforce productivity by utilizing our flexible and job-ready contract employees to sustain an optimized work-to-worker ratio. In addition, our service personnel are trained to help clients take control over labor costs related to Workers’ Compensation, Unemployment, Benefits, Human Resources and other areas. For more information, or to locate a Tradesmen facility near you, visit or call, 800.573.0850.

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Professional Background of Troy Vickers

- Crafted high-quality woodworking projects, contributing to the successful completion of all projects.

- Increasing property value through strategic planning and effective tenant partnerships.

Skills of Troy Vickers

Work Experience of Troy Vickers

Education Experience of Troy Vickers

Yavapai College

Yavapai College

Central Arizona College

Central Arizona College

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