Tywan Whytus

Tywan Whytus

Tywan Whytus is a highly experienced professional with 9.8 years of work experience. He has worked at Ervin Cable Construction LLC in Sturgis, Kentucky, in various roles including Splicing Manager, Iii, and Manitance Tech. He also has experience as the Owner of Kwik Connect Kable at Ervin Cable Construction LLC. Tywan's expertise lies in the construction industry, with a focus on telecommunications and information products. He is based in the United States and has a strong background in construction and maintenance. .Read More
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Ervin Cable Construction LLC


Ervin Cable Construction, LLC (ECC) is a seasoned leader in telecommunications construction, founded in 1980. From our humble beginnings as a small construction company in Kentucky and Tennessee, ECC has grown into a nationwide leader in telecommunications, recognized for excellence in infrastructure solutions. Over the decades, ECC has consistently grown and reinvested in its operations, culminating in significant expansion. ECC has built and/or upgraded over 100,000 miles in recent years, servicing over 30 states and 80 field offices. Our extensive national capacity, robust bonding capabilities, adept management with established practices, and more than 40 years of experience in telecommunications construction positions us as your turnkey network deployment provider. We are dedicated to delivering projects that meet or exceed your expectations, consistently delivering on time, within budget, and with the unwavering commitment to quality that you deserve.

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Professional Background of Tywan Whytus

- Streamlined operations, achieving optimal efficiency and productivity for the entire team.

- Creating a diverse portfolio of high-quality portfolios to meet and exceed company's expectations.

- Optimized manufacturing processes, reducing costs and improving efficiency for the company.

- Established a successful business through strategic partnerships and successful market expansion.

Work Experience of Tywan Whytus

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