Vikram Padia

Vikram Padia

Vikram Padia is a business owner with experience in general management. He currently works at the Medical Products Agency Lakemedelsverket in Uppsala, Sweden. With a team of 501-1000 staff, Vikram Padia is responsible for overseeing the operations of the agency. He is based in Washim, Maharashtra, India. .Read More
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Medical Products Agency Läkemedelsverket


The Swedish Medical Products Agency is the Swedish national authority responsible for regulation and surveillance of the development, manufacturing and sale of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and medical devices. The main task is to ensure that both the individual patient and healthcare professionals have access to safe and effective products and that these are used in a rational and cost-effective manner. The Swedish Medical Products Agency is one of the leading regulatory authorities in the EU. Together with these other EU authorities, we work to progress and develop the control of medicines within Europe. The Medical Products Agency is a government body under the aegis of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Its operations are largely financed through fees.

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Professional Background of Vikram Padia

- Building a successful business model that drives growth and enhances profitability.

- Achieved record-breaking revenue growth, surpassing targets and establishing a reputation for excellence in the medical product industry.

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