Vincent Dagostino

Vincent Dagostino

Vincent D'Agostino is an experienced executive with over 22 years of work experience in the real estate industry. He is skilled in Internet Information Services (IIS), User Experience, Web Applications, Strategic Planning, and User Interface Design. Vincent has worked at Brown Harris Stevens as the Chief Engineering & Technology Officer since February 2019. Prior to that, he held positions such as Web Operations Manager, Front-end Developer, and Executive Vice President, Director of Web Engineering. Vincent is a strong engineering professional with a degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. .Read More
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Brown Harris Stevens


Brown Harris Stevens (BHS) is one of the most prominent privately owned real estate firms in the world. Established in 1873, BHS has historically dominated the luxury, high-end market. With more than 2,300 agents across the East Coast, the company oversees the sale of marquee properties worldwide, including property management and new development marketing, from its headquarters in New York City and its offices throughout Connecticut, Hudson Valley, New Jersey, the Hamptons, Palm Beach, and Miami. Learn more at

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Professional Background of Vincent Dagostino

- Driving technological advancements, optimizing processes, and improving team collaboration for the company's success.

Work Experience of Vincent Dagostino

Education Experience of Vincent Dagostino

University of Massachusetts Amherst

University of Massachusetts Amherst

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