Yan Luo, CFA

Yan Luo, CFA

Yan Luo, CFA is a highly experienced Chartered Financial Analyst with over 22 years of work experience in investments, asset management, and equities. Based in Los Angeles, California, Yan has a strong background in hedge funds, fixed income, and portfolio management. With expertise in emerging markets and investment strategies, Yan has received top industry awards and is known for his exceptional performance. He has worked for reputable companies such as Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd and Dimensional Fund Advisors, where he held various positions in investment analysis, strategy research, and solution development. Yan is also a skilled professional in the field of finance. .Read More
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Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd


国泰君安,中国证券行业长期、持续、全面领先的综合金融服务商。国泰君安跨越了中国资本市场发展的全部历程和多个周期,始终以客户为中心,深耕中国市场,为个人和机构客户提供各类金融服务,确立了全方位的行业领先地位。2011到2017年,国泰君安的营业收入连续七年名列行业前三,在致力于实现高质量增长、规模领先的同时,注重盈利能力和风险管理。自2008年以来,国泰君安连续十一年获得中国证监会授予的A类AA级监管评级,该评级是迄今为止中国证券公司获得的最高评级。   在二十余年创新发展过程中,国泰君安逐渐形成了风控为本、追求卓越的企业文化,成为中国资本市场全方位的领导者以及中国证券行业科技和创新的引领者。这样的成绩源自于全体国泰君安人的共识:客户至上、统筹兼顾的利益观,风控为本、追求卓越的业务观,以人为本、协同协作的人才观,创新超越、珍惜声誉的处世观;源自于对共识的高度认同和持续实践。   基于在中国本土强大的竞争优势,未来,国泰君安将主动满足客户跨境需求,务实推进国际化,建立覆盖全球的业务网络和执行能力,为客户提供综合金融服务,努力成为根植本土、覆盖全球、有重要影响力的综合金融服务商。

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Professional Background of Yan Luo, CFA

- Provided strategic financial guidance, optimizing decision-making and driving business success.

- Expanding market reach and securing strategic investments to drive company growth.

- Developed cutting-edge software solutions, revolutionizing industries and driving innovation in the software industry.

- Contributed groundbreaking research projects, fostering insights and driving scientific advancements.

- Optimized investment strategies, driving sustainable growth and delivering excellent returns for shareholders.

Skills of Yan Luo, CFA

Work Experience of Yan Luo, CFA

Education Experience of Yan Luo, CFA

Penn State University

Penn State University

UCLA Anderson School of Management

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University

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