Yana Menaker

Yana Menaker

Yana Menaker is a dedicated and hardworking professional with over 15 years of experience in managing and coaching. She has held various positions at companies such as LiveU, Qlik, EY, and EY, where she has demonstrated her management and coaching skills. Yana has a proven track record of success and is currently based in Israel. She is known for her dedication, hardworking nature, and ability to excel in managing and coaching. .Read More
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LiveU, a leader in live IP-video solutions, offers a set of high-quality, resilient solutions for any live production – the LiveU EcoSystem. Built on its open, adaptable platform, the LiveU EcoSystem adds efficiency and shortens workflows across the entire video production chain, from contribution and production to distribution. Through innovative story-centric workflows, we help customers share their stories with a global audience in the most dynamic and engaging way. At the core of our EcoSystem lies LRT™ (LiveU Reliable Transport), LiveU's pioneering protocol for IP bonding and wireless connectivity, ensuring rock-solid resiliency and low latency from any location. Our rich portfolio ranges from our portable multi-cam/compact 5G encoders for live transmission to next-gen cloud ingest, digital production and global distribution solutions. Customers can go live from anywhere with our advanced, network-agnostic connectivity solutions – combining cellular (including private 5G), fiber and satellite. With over 5,000 customers in 150 countries and world-class customer support, LiveU’s technology is the solution of choice for global broadcasters, sports, public safety and other organizations. LiveU is a multi-award winner, including Frost & Sullivan for global product leadership and Technology & Engineering Emmy® Awards. For open positions, please visit https://www.comeet.com/jobs/liveu/90.00C.

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Professional Background of Yana Menaker

- Implementing strategic financial initiatives that optimize company's profitability and drive sustainable growth.

- Implemented streamlined financial processes, optimizing accuracy and efficiency across the organization.

- Developed strategic financial planning and execution, driving sustainable growth and cost-effectiveness for the organization.

- Implementing strategic financial initiatives to drive profitability and minimize tax burden.

- Implementing strategic initiatives to drive operational efficiency and maximize profitability.

Work Experience of Yana Menaker

Education Experience of Yana Menaker

Bar-Ilan University

Bar-Ilan University

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