Zach Settembre

Zach Settembre

Zach Settembre is a highly experienced professional with 14.1 years of work experience. He possesses a wide range of skills including public speaking, social media, public relations, corporate communications, and event planning. Based in Tallahassee, Florida, Zach focuses on assisting successful individuals and business owners with their financial security goals. He assists clients in finding financial landmines and assisting them in finding financial landmines. Zach's team maintains regular communication with clients, bringing wisdom, knowledge, and problem-solving skills to the table. He can be contacted at 502.562.2426 or .Read More
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Current Workspace of Zach Settembre

Tarleton State University


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Professional Background of Zach Settembre

- Conducted successful collegiate coaching sessions, fostering a strong foundation for successful career decisions.

- Leading a team winning team to championship, surpassing all previous opponents and enhancing their playing reputation.

- Assisted in organizing and executing basketball games, improving athletic activities for the team.

- Developed a comprehensive curriculum to equip students with valuable skills and excel in the basketball education industry.

- Enhanced and implemented social media platforms, enhancing the overall brand image.

- Provided strategic guidance to clients, enhancing their financial strategies and driving business growth.

- Efficiently managed team rosters and secured maximum returns through effective supervision and training.

- Developed the high-profile team, leading the league to a championship in the first game.

- Guided and supported young athletes in the game-winning game, promoting their development and performance.

Skills of Zach Settembre

Work Experience of Zach Settembre

Education Experience of Zach Settembre

Syracuse University

Syracuse University

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Public Presence of Zach Settembre
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Gallery of Zach Settembre
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