Zachary Barkin

Zachary Barkin

Zachary Barkin is a Financial Analyst with 11.4 years of experience. He has a diverse skill set including sales, time management, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, teamwork, and customer service. Currently, he works at Berkshire Corporate FP&A in the United States. Prior to this, he held positions at The MENTOR Network and The Hanover Insurance Group. Zachary has a strong background in financial analysis, research, and real estate development. He is a dedicated professional with expertise in various software programs and has a proven track record in the industry. .Read More
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Berkshire is a people-focused investment management company known for our vertically integrated organization and experience in U.S. Residential real estate. With over 57 years of experience, we manage approximately $28 billion in real estate assets* on behalf of our global institutional investors. We aspire to improve lives through expert capital stewardship and exceptional living experiences. Our reputation for innovation and prudence attracts residents in the U.S. And investors from across the nation and from around the globe. For more details, please visit *Includes unfunded capital commitments for discretionary investment vehicles

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Professional Background of Zachary Barkin

- Identifying and analyzing financial trends to provide accurate insights and insights for informed decision-making.

- Providing strategic financial analysis to drive informed decision-making and optimize company performance.

- Provided reliable and accurate underwriting services, ensuring cost savings and compliance for clients.

- Optimized financial strategies to improve profitability and drive strategic decision-making.

- Maximized loan balances, gaining essential skills for the next development of an engaged client base.

- Successfully estimated and executed value-adding financial transactions, driving accuracy and profitability.

- Successfully completed the acquisition of 9 new residential properties in Bender, delivering exceptional financial support and ensuring client satisfaction

Skills of Zachary Barkin

Work Experience of Zachary Barkin

Education Experience of Zachary Barkin

Boston Architectural College

Boston Architectural College

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