Zachary Henderson

Zachary Henderson

Zachary Henderson is a highly experienced professional with 16.8 years of work experience in the real estate industry. He is the CEO/Co Founder of Plutus Group Inc., a company specializing in real estate transactions and investment properties. Based in the United States, Zachary has a strong background in entrepreneurship and real estate fin. He has held various leadership positions, including Chief Executive Officer and Co Founder at Plutus Group Llc and Plutus Investments. With his expertise and leadership, Zachary has made significant contributions to the success of Plutus Group Inc. .Read More
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Plutus Group Llc


Plutus Group is first and foremost a Kansas City investment firm. We are a family of companies that works together to create and manage multifamily investment opportunities.

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Professional Background of Zachary Henderson

- Maximized company profitability through strategic planning and effective leadership.

- Building a successful business from the ground up, delivering exceptional service to clients and driving organizational growth.

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