Zachary Saifi

Zachary Saifi

Zachary Saifi is a highly experienced professional with 13.4 years of work experience in financial analysis, reporting, tax preparation, and operations management. He has a strong background in organizational management, project management, and workflow management. Currently, he serves as the Vice President of Finance and Administration at Next Cleaners in the United States. Prior to this, he held various positions at NextCleaners, including Chief Operating Officer and Director of Finance and Administration. He also has experience as a Financial Analyst and has worked at BYNEXT in Belarus. .Read More
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Full-service online advertising agency

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Professional Background of Zachary Saifi

- Implemented streamlined financial processes and processes, improving efficiency and accuracy in reporting and reporting.

- Implementing efficient operations strategies to drive productivity and maximize profitability.

- Implementing strategic initiatives to optimize operational efficiency and drive sustainable growth.

- Implementing strategic financial initiatives to optimize company performance and drive fiscal stability.

Skills of Zachary Saifi

Work Experience of Zachary Saifi

Education Experience of Zachary Saifi

Rutgers University - Newark

Rutgers University - Newark

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