Zakiya Jackson

Zakiya Jackson

Zakiya Jackson is a highly experienced professional with 19 years of work experience. She possesses a diverse skill set including leadership, team building, public speaking, corporate finance, and business networking. Based in the United States, Zakiya is passionate about systemic transformational change that focuses on equity, intersectionality, and liberation. She has worked in various leadership roles, including education, urban community development, and equity-focused advocacy. Zakiya is known for her ability to build capacity, broaden reach, and amplify funding. She is also an expert facilitator and keynote speaker, with a strong focus on resource and curriculum development. .Read More
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We empower people of faith to act nationally and locally to eliminate education inequality.

Partners Worldwide aspires to end poverty through business so that all may have abundant life. We partner with locally-led institutions in over 30 countries around the world, equipping them to serve entrepreneurs and business leaders—creating jobs and opportunities in communities of high unemployment and poverty.

Skills of Zakiya Jackson

Work Experience of Zakiya Jackson

Education Experience of Zakiya Jackson

Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University

Willamette University

Willamette University

Willamette University MBA

Willamette University MBA

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