choudhary arun prasad

choudhary arun prasad

Choudhary Arun Prasad is a skilled professional with expertise in Watson, MEP, and talent acquisition. Based in Bengaluru, India, he has worked as a Manager Mep at EMCO QATAR in Qatar, where he focused on General Management. With a strong background in Facilities Services and Administrative and Support Services, Choudhary has contributed to the success of the company. His experience and skills make him a valuable asset in the field of talent acquisition. .Read More
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In the year 2002, realizing the need for Specialized Refurbishment, Repairs, & Maintenance Services of Oil Industries, Commercial and Residential Complexes. EMCO has established itself as a Contracting and Maintenance Company extending its Services all over Qatar in the field of Civil Engineering & Electromechanical Works. Today, we undertake Comprehensive Maintenance of Civil & MEP works at Oil and Gas Plants, Steel and Aluminum Plants, Hotels, Banks, Sports Facilities, Education Cities, Commercial Buildings and Residential Communities etc., Besides executing Turnkey Projects for Civil works including Renovation, Refurbishment, Repair works.

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- Achieved 100% customer satisfaction by implementing effective sales strategies and boosting team performance.

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