Ilene Irichkind

Ilene Irichkind

Ilene Irichkind is a highly skilled professional with expertise in event planning, customer service, beauty industry, marketing, cosmetics, and Microsoft Office. Based in the United States, she currently holds the position of Director of Admin. & Customer Relations at OPI Products, Inc. With extensive experience in the field, Ilene has worked in various departments at OPI, including Other and Customer Service. OPI is a well-established company in the personal care product manufacturing industry, with a focus on manufacturing and chemical manufacturing. .Read More
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As the world leader in the professional nail care industry, OPI, a division of Wella Operations US LLC, is committed to providing high-quality products and services with a focus on industry safety and innovation. Known for its exceptional formula, fashionable colors and iconic names, OPI’s heavily-pigmented lacquers are super rich, long-lasting, and chip-resistant – offering an affordable luxury to consumers. Currently, OPI is available in over 100 countries and offers a full line of professional items, including nail treatments, finishing products, lotions, manicure/pedicure products, files, tools and acrylics. OPI places a strong emphasis on corporate social responsibility by raising funds and awareness for numerous charities through retail partnerships and grassroots philanthropic initiatives.

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Professional Background of Ilene Irichkind

- Enhanced operational efficiency and streamlining processes to enhance team performance and customer satisfaction.

- Implementing strategies to enhance administrative efficiency and enhance customer satisfaction for opi products inc.

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