tatyane de sales

tatyane de sales

Tatyane de Sales is a highly skilled professional with 10.7 years of experience. Based in Brazil, she possesses expertise in Microsoft Office, including Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. With a strong focus on customer service, she excels in teamwork and is a valuable asset to any team. Tatyane has worked as a student in the Other department and as an Operadora De Telemarketing at Master Brasil | Contact Center in Belo Horizonte. .Read More
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Master Brasil | Contact Center


A Master Brasil é uma empresa de teleatendimento estruturada para cuidar com competência e eficácia da performance de todos os seus clientes. Investe em treinamentos específicos para cada perfil de atendimento, se preocupa em manter o respeito aos funcionários e valoriza o capital humano. Filiais nos estados de Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e Maranhão.

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Professional Background of tatyane de sales

- Inspiring and motivating individuals to thrive in their academic and personal development.

- Successfully executed multi-million dollar marketing campaigns, leading to increased brand visibility and client acquisition.

- Contributing to the success of the university by completing exceptional coursework and achieving student success.

Skills of tatyane de sales

Work Experience of tatyane de sales

Education Experience of tatyane de sales



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