Toto Ouioui

Toto Ouioui

Toto Ouioui is a professional based in France. He has extensive work experience at Thales Digital Identity and Security (ex Gemalto) in France-Ile-de-france-Meudon as the Owner of the General Management department. Thales Digital Identity and Security (ex Gemalto) is a well-established company founded in 2006, with a large workforce of 5001-10000 employees. They specialize in IT services and consulting, offering a wide range of products such as sensors, avionics, communication systems, missile electronics, and more. Their target customers include government agencies, civil and military organizations, and commercial clients. .Read More
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Thales Digital Identity and Security


Thales Digital Identity & Security is a global leader in digital security, bringing trust to an increasingly connected world. We design and deliver a wide range of products, software and services based on two core technologies: digital identification and data protection. Our technology is at the heart of modern life, from payment to enterprise security and the internet of things. It enables our clients to deliver secure digital services for billions of individuals and things. We are part of the Thales group, a €19bn international organization with more than 80,000 employees in 68 countries worldwide

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Professional Background of Toto Ouioui

- Creating a successful business by implementing strategic marketing campaigns and creating strong customer relationships.

- Expanding the business by expanding into new markets and expanding the business into new markets.

Work Experience of Toto Ouioui

Education Experience of Toto Ouioui

International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology

International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology

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